Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Summer PUG Party and BBQ

By Adilfa Ford

Okay I know it's short notice but I just barely got the e-mail list and I am going to be in Venezuela for 2 weeks but wanted to do something in July. Nothing too fancy, we'll skip the spotlight and speaker stuff and just eat and have fun for a change. I'll provide the meat, hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, etc. or Pictage will I hope and probably a few bags of chips and if anybody wants to bring salads and desserts that would be great. We've got the Pool Table, Ping Pong, and Foosball Tables, and X-box in the theatre for those who want to play games or just sit and talk. I think it will be a lot of fun so I hope you can come. I know how busy everybody's summer is but I don't know if there is ever really a slow time for anybody so if you can come, great, if not we'll see you next month. Next month by the way will be probably August 18 and we'll do Don Polo spotlight and mini class that we were going to do last month. Sorry about the change in date again but I will be in Mexico the last week. I know, tough life but somebodies got to do it. I hope everybody is having a great summer and we'll see you on Monday.

1 comment:

goooooood girl said...

your blog is very good......